2007年9月9日 星期日

Titre du document / Document title Stimulation of insulin release in rats by die-huang-wan, a herbal mixture used in Chinese traditional medicine

Titre du document / Document title Stimulation of insulin release in rats by die-huang-wan, a herbal mixture used in Chinese traditional medicine

Author(s) :

CHENG Juei-Tang (1) ; LIU I-Min (1) ; CHI Tzong-Cherng (1) ; SU Hui-Chen (1) ;
CHANG Chung-Gwo (2) ;

Affiliation(s) du ou des auteurs / Author(s)

(1) Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan City, TAIWAN, PROVINCE DE CHINE

(2) Committee on Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Health, Executive Yuan, Taipei, TAIWAN, PROVINCE DE CHINE

Résumé / Abstract Die-Huang-Wan is a herbal mixture widely used in Chinese traditional medicine to treat diabetic disorders.

We have investigated the effect of Die-Huang-Wan on plasma glucose concentration in-vivo. Die-Huang-Wan was administered orally (5.0, 15.0 or 26.0 mg kg [1]) to three rat models.
Wistar rats were used as the normal animal model, rats with insulin-resistance (induced by the repeated thrice daily injection of human long-acting insulin) were used as the non-insulin-dependent diabetic model, and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats were used as the insulin-dependent diabetic model.

In normal rats, approximately 1 h after oral administration of Die-Huang-Wan the plasma glucose concentration decreased significantly in a dose-dependent manner, from 5 to 26.0 mg kg[-1].

A similar effect was observed in rats with insulin-resistance. However, this effect was not observed in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats, even at an oral dose of 26.0 mg kg[-1].

These results suggested an insulin-dependent action, a view supported by the increase of plasma insulin-like immunoreactivity in normal rats receiving Die-Huang-Wan. The results indicated that Die-Huang-Wan had an ability to stimulate the secretion of insulin and this preparation seemed helpful in improving the diabetic condition, especially hyperglycaemia in type-II diabetes.

Revue / Journal TitleJournal of pharmacy and pharmacology (J. pharm. pharmacol.)

Source / Source2001, vol. 53, no2, pp. 273-276 (14 ref.)
Langue / Language Anglais

Editeur/PublisherPharmaceutical Press,Wallingford, ROYAUME - UNI (1949) (Revue)

Mots-clés anglais / English Keywords Insulin ; Hypoglycemic agent ; Release ; Regulation(control) ; Plant origin ; Medicinal plant ; Pharmacognosy ; Folk medicine ; China ; Animal ; Rat ; Oral administration ; Asia ; Rodentia ; Mammalia ; Vertebrata ;
Mots-clés français / French KeywordsInsuline ; Hypoglycémiant ; Libération ; Régulation ; Origine végétale ; Plante médicinale ; Pharmacognosie ; Médecine traditionnelle ; Chine ; Animal ; Rat ; Voie orale ; Asie ; Rodentia ; Mammalia ; Vertebrata ;
Mots-clés espagnols / Spanish KeywordsInsulina ; Hipoglicemiante ; Liberación ; Regulación ; Origen vegetal ; Planta medicinal ; Farmacognosia ; Medicina tradicional ; China ; Animal ; Rata ; Vía oral ; Asia ; Rodentia ; Mammalia ; Vertebrata ; Localisation / Location
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