2008年7月29日 星期二


民國六十七年七月有一位德國的太太,她先生是德國的Mans的著名工程師,我們國家邀請他前來外島安置火力發電廠,這位德國太太叫Mrs. Lotte Schmuck,她隨同她的先生前來台灣,因為她得到左眼上眼皮下垂,曾在德國看過好幾位眼科醫生,他們建議她開刀將上眼皮固定,但她不願意,因為上眼皮固定之後就無法閉上她的眼睛,所以她只好看東西的時候就將眼皮拉上,不看東西時就把眼皮放下,但是令她非常痛苦,所以她一到台灣就找她的友人介紹醫師,曾看過一些西醫,大家的看法皆和德國醫師們相同類似的建議,最後有人推薦她前來找我接受針灸治療。經過一個月的針灸治療,後來她的下垂眼皮幾乎完全恢復正常,她非常高興,曾經在圓山大飯店宴請我和我的太太。當她回到德國,見到她的家庭醫師,那位醫師叫Dr. Claus Geidner,這位醫師看到她的下垂眼皮完全恢復正常,非常驚喜的盤問來龍去脈,後來她們兩個商量要邀請我前往德國,當時要去德國不容易,我們還沒有觀光護照,先要取得貿易公司經理的職位,除了要有存款證明,同時還要有保證人保證你有足夠的旅費,同時怕你去了德國就不回來,保證人就是要負責將你遣送回國,在當時我一下子無法接受,因為當時的台灣經濟狀況遠不如德國,後來因為我的病人中來自美國的退休工程師叫Mr. Toomer,他因進行性肌肉萎縮症在天母租房子長期接受我的治療,我把這件事情請教他,他說他到過德國,他告訴我:德國在醫藥方面非常先進,他鼓勵我雖然受一點委屈應該值得去,當時我從未出過國,要我一個人獨自前往實在是一種挑戰,後來我克服所有的困難,從台北->香港->法蘭克福->慕尼黑,包括乘坐飛機及等機總共花了32個小時才到達目的地,到了德國的觀光勝地Garmisch-Partenkirchen,在那裏Mrs.Schmuck為我租了一間獨棟的公寓,裡面設備齊全,然後每天一早她來接我晚上再送我回來,他們夫婦每天陪著我整整一個月,每天吃不同的餐廳,參觀不同的醫院,同時她的醫師Dr.Geidner也陪我去拜訪醫學院的教授,在當時的德國很少人知道針灸,他們都覺得不可思議,針扎在肌肉裡面居然會不痛、不流血,同時可以把很多病治好,我以“針灸治療急性腰扭傷八百個病例”為題,在不同的地方做了很多次的演講,講完之後他們就很好奇的提出說: Dr. Chang你的演講實在太好了,好到我們無法相信你講的內容是真的,在我們的急診室每天都有很多急性腰扭傷的病人,你能不能用你的針灸在我們的病人身上治療,在我們的眼前證明給我們看,讓我們相信你所講的都是真的。經過幾個病人的試驗及病人的立即療效讓這些醫師們佩服得五體投地,同時他將我的所作所為拍成完整的教學錄影帶,這也是為什麼現在德國人已有四、五萬個針灸醫師的前因。當我住在德國的期間,參觀過很多大型的醫院及著名的藥廠,讓我大開眼界,這也是我第一次出國同時到先進的國家學習到很多醫學新知,我這輩子到現在總共去過德國三次,每次都住一個月,每次都學習到很多醫學新觀念,以第一次影響最深。Mrs.Schmuck自從我回國之後,她曾經在我家住過一個禮拜,每一年的農曆年皆會寫一封賀年卡從未間斷,直到一個月前突然接到她的信,說她的身體狀況突然變差,我就馬上打國際電話給她才知道她病得很嚴重,後來又打電話給她的家庭醫師Dr. Claus Geidner才知道她得的是胰臟癌,經過沒有幾天,她就過世了,實在令我非常的難過,為了紀念這段值得回憶的過去,所以簡單的記錄簡短的回憶。以下就是這段時間與她的家庭醫師聯絡的e-mail:

Claus 寄給 我 7月8日

Dear Gwo,

It was a pleasure to hear your voice after such a long time.
Unfortunately, the cause is very sad and there is no hope. Mrs Schmuck
suddenly got a painless icterus afer a complete well-being period
approx. 6 weeks ago with a pancreas-carcinoma. She was for 2 weeks in
hospital. They found a 1.5 cm long Stenose of the Ductus choledocus and
provided it with a metal stent. Further examinations showed multiple
metastases in lymph nodes in the complete belly with distinctive and
painful ascites. She has given herself up and would like to die as fast
as possible. She didn´t want to an operation or chemo therapy and also
no infusions.

She is suffering of tumor cachexia and she is in finaly condition. Two
weeks ago I still have run with her approx. 300 m. Three days ago she
wasn´t able to get up any more. She usually sleeps, eats and drinks very

Against her pain I orderd morphin transcutan in a low dose. We can speek
to her, but the answers are very poor. Now it´s very hard to phone with

We spend a lot time with her and there is also a nurse three times per day.

I will tell you further on about her situation.

Mrs Schmuck thank you for your feeling and help.

Many greetings to you

Yours Claus
成國張 寄給 Claus 7月8日

Dear Dr.Claus,

Thank you for your e-mail on July, 8 and very sad to know Mrs Schmuck's condition. and you said:" even she has given herself up and would like to die as fast as possible. She didn´t want to an operation or chemo therapy and also no infusions." in this condition, it is very difficult for us to help her. But before she die, we still can try to let her take fruit and vegetable juice 500~2000 cc. daily. maybe you can give her some medicine to increase her appetite. For me, I will give her acupuncture and moxibustion: acupuncture point: Tsu San Li(S 36), Chung Wan(CV 12), Wu Zhu --- Ju Jue(CV 14), Liang Men(S 21), Xia Wan(CV 10), Chung Wan(CV 12). acupuncture and moxibustion maybe can less her pain and suffering. I am very sorry to disturb you especially you are retired.
Many greetings to you.

Yours, Chang Chung Gwo
Claus 寄給 我7月9日

Dear Gwo,

thank you for your mail and your help. Today Mr. Schmuck is somnolent and anable to eat and drink. In the days before we follow your instructions. Now my wife and I we are all day with her also over night. I continue the medical care of her because I have a lot of time now after my retirement. She is still my patient and therefor I take care of her as I did the past 32 years. Therefore, dear Gwo, you didn´t disturb me. She smiles as I told her about your mail and she reaches for my hand.

Many greetings to you.
Yours, Claus
成國張 寄給 Claus 7月9日

Dear Dr.Claus,

I am very glad to know Mrs. Schmuck is somnolent and anable to eat and drink today. Because you and your wife take care of her very carefully, treating her like your mother. Anyway, let her drink juice of fruits and vegetable 500~2000 c.c. daily and encourage her take a walk moring and evening each time 20~30 mins. as possible as she can. And you do your best to create her appetite with medicine, yogurt, acupuncture and moxibustion: Wu Zhu --- Ju Jue(CV 14), Liang Men(S 21), Xia Wan(CV 10), Chung Wan(CV 12). I think if her appetite tend to normal condition, her physicall condition will be getting better. May GOD will bless her.

Many greetings to you and your family.
Yours, Chang Chung Gwo

Claus 寄給 我 7月10日

Dear Gwo,

I am very sad to inform you that Mrs Schmuck has died today. She didn´t aweak from her somnolence and sleped in very peacfully. She is solved now of her very aggressive cancer and the accompanied symptoms. Dear Gwo, I thank you very much for your help and your interest.
I´ll tell you more later on.

Many greetings to you and your family.

Yours, Claus
成國張 寄給 Claus 7月10日

Dear Dr. Claus,

I am very sad to hear that Mrs Schmuck has died today. I sent a package of A-Gwo herbal tea via mail to Mrs Schmuck's address. Two or three days will reach there. During these days, you and your wife do a lot of work for her. She is going to enjoy her next generation and she is gratefully to you and your wife take care of her forever. When she was alive in Garmish-partenkirchen.
Dear Geidner, please tell your wife, don't be too sad because you have done a lot of work for her.

Many greetings to you and your family.
Yours, Chang Chung Gwo

成國張 寄給 Claus 7月12日

Dear Claus:

I think you should be very busy because of Mrs Schmuck 's dead. Could you buy some white flowers for me to memory her?
I would send money, 200 us dollars to you. Thanks for your help.

Many greetings to you and your family

Yours, Chang Chung Gwo
成國張 寄給 Claus 7月15日

Dear Claus:

I have mailed you a package with a bag of tea and two hundered US dollars cash inside. The cash is for the white flowers you bought for me. The tea is a fine tea for you to enjoy.

Thanks for your help and keep in touch.

Best regard

Chang Chung Gwo
Claus寄給 我 7月28日

Dear Gwo,

I have recieved your parcel with the money. Many thanks for it. I have bought a wonderful wreath for it with many white roses as you told me. My wife Wilhelmine wrote a letter last week to you and added the photos of the burial. Mrs Schmuck got a lot of wonderful flowers. It was a very emotional ceremony. As you know the Schmucks did not have any relatives. Therefor there have been many good friends and we at the cemetery and gave Mrs Schmuck the lat honour.

Dear friend Gwo let´s continue our contact.

Yours sincerely

mrs. Schmuck生前的遺相

本人以鮮花追悼mrs. Schmuck於德國墓園所攝留影(97.09.07)
