2007年7月30日 星期一

Dr. med. [sin.] Gunter Neeb

Dr. med. [sin.] Gunter Neeb


First three-year Akupunkturausbildung in Germany. Subsequently, four years old study of the modern and classical Chinese in long characters at the Sinicum and at the Taiwan national normally University. 1991 - 2000 study of the traditional Chinese medicine with Professor Chang Chung Gwo, master Li Feng - Shan in Taipei, study at the university for Chinese medicine of the province Yunnan and graduation at the University of Tianjin. Thesis over geomedical aspects of the TCM.

Since 1998 physician for Chinese medicine and lecturer at the TCM research institute of the University of Tianjin. Since 2003 guest professor at the university for TCM Yunnan. Numerous publications and translations of classical texts. Author “the Blutstasesyndrom” [publishing house for holistic medicine, Dr. Wühr], CO author “manual of the TCM”. Established in own practice.
